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Gunung Sampah di Bantar Gebang Menjadi Perhatian Leonardo DiCaprio

Gunung Sampah di Bantar Gebang Menjadi Perhatian Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio pemeran Jack dalam film Titanic ini memang sering kali menunjukan kepeduliannya terhadap lingkungan. Kini yang menarik perhatian dari aktor ini adalah gunung sampah yang berada di Bantar Gebang. Tempat Pembuangan Sampah Terpadu (TPST) dibangun di kawasan Bantar Gebang  menampung timbunan sampah menggunung. Oleh sebab itu, kawasan sekitar pun menjadi rusak karena limbah yang ada.

Melalui akun Instagram pribadinya Leo mem-posting ulang posting-an dari @everydayclimatechange. Mengutip dari caption Leo ia berkata bahwa beberapa laki-laki dari desa Cikiwul mencari ikan di perairan berlumpur yang sangat tercemar, karena resapan dari zona pembuangan terbesar Bantar Gebang. Dalam caption foto itu juga disebutkan bahwa Indonesia berada di peringkat kedua sebagai pengguna plastik di dunia setelah negara China, dan menghasilkan 187,2 juta ton limbah plastik setiap tahunnya.

Dalam pesan ini mungkin Leo ingin mengingatkan kita untuk lebih cinta dengan lingkungan, karena sebagian dari kita sudah merasakan dampaknya.


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#Regram #RG @everydayclimatechange: This is Elisabetta Zavoli @elizavola taking over the @everydayclimatechange Instagram account this week and sharing my documentary work of the ‘Landfill midwife’ project. . Some men, from Cikiwul village, catch up fishes in the highly polluted muddy waters that percolate from Bantar Gebang biggest dump zone. Banter Gebang landfill receives the waste of about 15 millions people living in Jakarta. Trash pickers need the litter to make a living and the Indonesian society needs trash pickers to recycle all possible materials that otherwise would be just discarded. . Indonesia, is ranked the second largest plastic polluter in the world behind only China with reports showing that the country produces 187.2 million tonnes of plastic waste each year of which more than 1 million tons leaks into the ocean. Recent studies discovered that as plastics decay, they emit traces of methane and ethylene, two powerful greenhouse gases, and the rate of emission increases with time. The emissions occur when plastic materials are exposed to ambient solar radiation, whether in water or in the air, but in air, emission rates are much higher. Results show that plastics represent a heretofore unrecognized source of climate-relevant trace gases that are expected to increase as more plastic is produced and accumulated in the environment. Polyethylene, used in shopping bags, is the most produced and discarded synthetic polymer globally and was found to be the most prolific emitter of methane and ethylene. It’s estimated that over 8 billion tons of virgin plastic have been produced since 1950, making plastic one of the largest man-made materials on the planet, behind steel and cement. Of that volume, more than half was produced in the last 16 years, amid a global boom in single-use, disposable plastic. Current annual production levels are expected to double in the next 20 years. #everydayclimatechange #climatechange #globalwarming #climatechangeisreal #environment #waste #plasticwaste #plastics #dumpsite #midwife #health #garbage #trash #plasticpollution #Indonesia #Jakarta #childbirth #children #mothers #pregnantwomen

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